PERCoGS' Anti-Racism & Equity Reading Suggestions 

Emerging Reflections from the People of Color (POC) at PERC Discussion Space

Reading recommendations from PERCoGS' Winter 2017 AAPT session on Equity in PER

Why Mathematics (Education) was Late to the Backlash Party: The Need for Revolution by Rochelle Gutiérrez, 

A Framework for Understanding Whiteness in Mathematics Education by Dan Battey and Luis A. Leyva

AIP’s TEAM UP Task Force Report: The Time Is Now: Systemic Changes to Increase African Americans with Bachelor’s Degrees in Physics and Astronomy

A Model for Self-Accountability in Academia” by Dimitri Dounas-Frazer, Regan Byrd, and Simone Hyater-Adams (PERCoGS Newsletter 14)

Decolonization? Starting Points of Two Journeys” by Angela Little and Ayush Gupta (PERCoGS Newsletter 14)

"Critical Theory Starting Points for Disability and Race" by Adrienne Traxler (PERCoGS Newsletter 17)

"Physics Education Research and Disability" by Erin Scanlon (PERCoGS Newsletter 17)

Being Part of a Community: Views from a Brazilian Researcher” By Katemari Rosa (PERCoGS Newsletter 8)

The Longest Walk” By Charles Ramey (PERCoGS Newsletter 9) 

Saying ‘No’” By Geraldine Cochran, (PERCoGS Newsletter 12)

This reading list was initially published June 12, 2020. PERCoGS welcomes feedback and suggestions of readings to add to this list: if you would like to contribute, please email us at