Glossary of PER Terms
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American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) - The American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) - AAPT is a strong professional physics science society dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in physical science education.
American Journal of Physics (AJP)
American Physical Society (APS)
Discipline Based Education Research (DBER)
European Science Education Research Association (ESERA)
European Physical Society (EPS)
Force Concept Inventory (FCI) - (Hestenes, Wells & Swackhamer, 1992; Hake, 1998)
Forum on Education (FED or FEd) - forum in APS on education
Forum on Graduate Student Affairs (FGSA) - forum in APS for graduate students
Force-Motion Concept Evaluation (FMCE) - (Thornton & Sokoloff, 1998)
Groupe International de Recherche sur l'Enseignement de la Physique (GIREP) - European equivalent of AAPT
(Topical) Group on Physics Education Research (GPER)
Journal of Learning Sciences (JLS)
Journal of Science Teacher Education (JSTE)
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Physics by Inquiry (PbI)
Physics Education Research Conference (PERC)
Physics Education Research Consortium of Graduate Students (PERCoGS) - Elected officials representing graduate students
PhET - Physics Education Technology Interactive Simulations (PhET Sims)
Physics Education Research Graduate Students (PERGS) - Community of graduate students in PER
Physics Education Research Leadership Organizing Council (PERLOC) - Elected officials representing physics education researchers
Physics Education Research Topical Group (PERTG) - Community of physics education researchers within the AAPT
Physics Education Research User's Guide (PERUG) - Web resource for physics educators to learn how to teach more effectively by applying the results of PER and teaching methods based on these results.
Physical Review - Physics Education Research (Phys Rev) - (Used to be called PRST (Physical Review Special Topic) -PER but now just Phys Rev)
Research in Science Education (RiSE)
Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME)
Science & Education (Journal)
Science Education (Journal)
Scholar in Residence (SIR)
The Physics Teacher (TPT) Journal